
the gathering

Everyone safely arrived thanksgiving eve in SLC for a big soiree at my aunt's house where my Uncle Lew hosted a fab meal. It was great to be together and see everyone. I love the blessing of family.


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

How fun!!

(i heart your taste of music Kel - i always check out your blog for my ipod - so thanks)

Meagan said...

Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. I'm glad all of you could get together. Sorry about the BYU game, or am I? Nope I'm not, sorry that we wasted you. (ha ha)

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

Kell- I bet you are glad to get back to the toasty warm weather of GA! It is so cold...especially in IF! At least Boise is a tad bit warmer, but not as nice as GA! :)