We headed to Lake Lanier for the weekend and after camp was setup we had to hit the lake to cool off.

This boy was loving the water

In the few minutes it took to setup camp this kids cheeks turned bright red from the heat, he was glad to cool off in the lake, poor kid.

Splashing with dad was pretty much awesome.

Watching Dad make the fire.

Steve's idea was to keep it easy on the food front which meant everything over the fire. The bad thing was it was so hot already we could barely stand cooking our hotdogs, but they were de-lish. Plus we had to have smores for dessert so the fire was pretty much necessary. I mean that's really why we go camping right?

Relaxing with dad the next morning, one sticky humid night not much lower than 75 degrees. Cooper thought the tent was cool though

Cooper's wakeup call came a tad too early. What were you doing at 6am?

We got up and cooked breakfast over the fire which meant sausage, powdered donuts, and chocolate milk. Steve's menu.

Our crew in the tent looking pretty tired. The heat was too much to handle for another day and night (we had planned to stay 2) so we packed up and headed out for some relaxing at the pool and some AC watching movies. Lightweights? Maybe. But what does it say when there are no other tent campers around and everyone remotely close to us were sleeping in their deluxe trailers.

We'll be back in the fall, don't you worry. Humid camping = not for us.

You are brave Kel!! I made Chris get a hotel. :) Good for you!
haha, nice Ems!
We camp in the fall usually. September is the best time! We should plan a camping trip together when the kids are 1 (can you believe they're going to be 1???). Also, as usual, I want to squeeze Cooper and his awesome rolls.
Oh, and I love your new layout.
i feel sticky just thinking about it! You ARE brave! The bugs alone would put me over the edge!
that's awesome-we did the exact same thing when tyler was just about the same age and squishiness as cooper. it was still fun, just never again in june, right? :)
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