I LOVE Project Runway and loved the finale last night. Leanne was always my favorite and she won! She picked some alien-looking models (quote from herself) but her pieces were so gorgeous inspired by wave patterns. Each piece was unique and beautiful. Korto had some amazing dresses with bright colors inpired by nature, I always like her work throughtout the season as well. And then I only liked maybe 3 pieces of Kenley's (she bugs right!). I couldn't stand how she was always bad mouthing Tim Gunn! What is she thinking! ha. The song used on Leanne's show was done by her boyfriend and can be found here to buy which reminds me a lot of Psapp's music. YEAH for Season 5!

I am so glad I didn't read this before I JuST finished watching it! I think I liked Korto's designs the best, and yes Kenley did bug, the whining was worse than my 3 year olds!
I wanted Korto to win but I liked Leanne too. Kinely drove me crazy, she was always so defensive.
And that is why Stefanie and I are such good friends... Great minds think alike!
Loved this season...very sassy episodes with Kenley's tantrums with Tim! Wanted to smack her a few times! Loved Leanne's line! If i could - I think I would wear them! Didn't know you were a fan of the show...we should discuss it sometime! I record them and watch them in the middle of the night when I am feeding the baby...good times!
when are we going to meet up again?
I know I'm way late to weigh in on the results, but I love to see my friends and I enjoy the same entertainment. Remember that Leanne was almost kicked off in the beginning? She definitely had a comeback and I loved her work, but I have to say I was a little disappointed in her lack of emotion. She seemed almost alienish herself with her response after the big win.
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