
cold please end

Oh happy day, when is spring going to come. Bloom by Sam Spenser


Hannah Ashmore said...

AMEN sister! Georgia is meant to me all sunshines and warm breezes and all warmth. Let do lunch again soon okay.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Wait...that is the coolest picture!

Come to Denver -it's GORGEOUS until Sunday!

Bryan and Marissa said...

Yeah well it wasn't a hundred degrees like it was when steve was there! Ha ha!

Froska said...

Oh I feel you all the way. I am ready! Have you been running? I have started to again here and there, but I can't seem to get it in every day. With everything that's been going on and such.
Today is a new day. I am going to run today, tomorrow ,and the next. We will probably do our first 10K at the end of Feb. You need to sign up for one. You should fly out and do one with us. We usually do them in warm climates like Cali.
That would be so fun!