
bmw, steve, and ewan

Coops and me strolled the shoreline playing with rocks while waiting for the guys to get back from their BMW demo rides.

Apparently that is one of the big draws to bike week, being able to test drive the new models. Steve was really looking forward to driving some new BMW's (since that is what his bike is).

The bike Steve wanted to drive wasn't available until hours later so he went for his second choice, the BMW R1150GS Adventure ridden by Ewan McGregor on their world bike trip back in 2005. They made a documentary of the trip called Long Way Round which we saw about a year ago and loved.

Long Way Round documents the adventures of film stars Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman on their 20,000 mile motor bike trip around the world. Departing from London on 14th April 2004 the pair travelled through Europe, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Siberia, Alaska, Canada arriving in the USA just over 3 months later. Seriously give it a rent if you like motorcycles, travel, or Ewan ;)

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